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Brand: Athletic
Weight: 53.50kg
Dimensions: 1,400.00mm x 610.00mm x 1,260.00mm
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A Commercial Air Bike is a robust and heavy-duty exercise machine designed specifically for high-intensity, full-body workouts in commercial settings like gyms and fitness centers. Unlike traditional stationary bikes, it features large, movable handlebars that allow for simultaneous arm and leg exertion. The resistance is air-based; the harder you pedal and push/pull the handlebars, the greater the resistance generated by its fan, offering a dynamic response to the user's effort. Built to endure frequent use and potential wear and tear, the Commercial Air Bike is ideal for challenging cardio sessions, interval training, and muscle toning, catering to users of all fitness levels.

Belt/Chain transmission system with fan flywheel
Dipping handlebar - Seat: 80-98cm
Adjustments: to seat horizontal and vertical
Frame painted black

Max user's weight: 150kg
Build up size: 1400x610x1260mm
Weight: 62,5kg/53,5kg