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Brand: Athletic
Weight: 222.00kg
Dimensions: 2,090.00mm x 1,500.00mm x 2,330.00mm
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The Seated Calf Machine is specialized gym equipment designed to isolate and strengthen the soleus muscle of the calves. Unlike standing calf raises that primarily target the gastrocnemius, the seated variation emphasizes the deeper calf muscle due to the bent knee position.

Key characteristics and benefits of the Seated Calf Machine include:

  • Targeted Muscular Engagement: While both major calf muscles are activated, the seated position places greater emphasis on the soleus, which lies beneath the more prominent gastrocnemius.
  • Stabilization: The seated position provides stability, ensuring a focused and controlled movement targeting the calf muscles directly.
  • Adjustable Resistance: Most seated calf machines come with a weight stack or plate-loaded resistance, allowing users to adjust the weight to match their strength level.
  • Safety Features: Many machines have padded knee bars and non-slip foot platforms to ensure user comfort and safety during the exercise.
  • Consistency: The machine's design ensures consistent movement patterns, which can be beneficial for beginners or those looking to isolate the calves without other muscles intervening.

To perform the exercise on the Seated Calf Machine, one would sit down and place the balls of their feet on the machine's foot platform with their heels hanging off the edge. Weights are then lifted by pressing down with the balls of the feet, raising the heels as high as possible. It's crucial to control the movement, feeling a deep stretch in the calves at the bottom and a full contraction at the top. Proper form and controlled repetitions are essential to prevent potential strain or injury.

N.W: 222kg
G.W: 270kg
For orders exceeding 20kg Transport Costs are excluded.
Once your order has been placed we will contact you with shipping options and costs.

Tube Thickness 3.0mm