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Brand: Athletic
Weight: 200.00kg
Dimensions: 2,090.00mm x 1,400.00mm x 1,420.00mm
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The Angled Leg Press, specifically the plate-loaded version, is a robust and ergonomic piece of gym equipment designed for strengthening the lower body muscles. Unlike traditional leg presses, the angled design allows users to press weights along a slanted track, typically offering a more natural movement path and better weight distribution.

Key characteristics and benefits of the Angled Leg Press include:

  • Natural Movement Path: The angled design often aligns with the user's natural leg movement, reducing the strain on the knees and back.
  • Plate Loaded: Users can adjust resistance by adding or removing weight plates, making it adaptable to various strength levels and progression phases.
  • Comprehensive Lower Body Workout: Targets major muscle groups like the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.
  • Safe and Secure: Many machines come equipped with safety stops and locks to ensure maximum safety during workouts.
  • Footplate Variability: The adjustable footplate allows users to change their foot position, thereby targeting different leg muscles or adjusting for comfort.

While the Angled Leg Press provides an efficient lower body workout, users should ensure they maintain proper form to avoid unnecessary strain and to maximize training benefits. As with any strength training equipment, starting with lighter weights and gradually progressing is recommended.

N.W: 200kg
G.W: 210kg
For orders exceeding 20kg Transport Costs are excluded.
Once your order has been placed we will contact you with shipping options and costs.

Tube Thickness 3.0mm