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Brand: Athletic
Weight: 175.00kg
Dimensions: 2,040.00mm x 1,630.00mm x 1,220.00mm
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The Hack Squat machine is a specialized gym apparatus tailored for performing the hack squat exercise, a variation of the conventional squat. By leaning against a padded support and placing the shoulders under cushioned pads, users can focus predominantly on the lower body without the strain of balancing free weights.

Key features and advantages of the Hack Squat machine include:

  • Targeted Lower Body Exercise: Effectively engages the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.
  • Supportive Structure: Provides substantial support to the back and shoulders, allowing for a controlled and stable squatting motion.
  • Adjustable Angles: Some machines allow for angle adjustments, offering variations in exercise intensity and muscle engagement.
  • Safety Mechanisms: Often equipped with safety latches or stops to prevent over-extension and potential injury.
  • Footplate Design: The large footplate allows for different foot placements, enabling users to modify the focus on specific muscle groups.

For those looking to fortify their lower body strength without the complexities of traditional squats, the Hack Squat machine is an excellent alternative. However, maintaining proper form and technique remains crucial to ensure safety and to derive maximum benefits from the exercise.

N.W: 175kg
G.W: 185kg
For orders exceeding 20kg Transport Costs are excluded.
Once your order has been placed we will contact you with shipping options and costs.

Tube Thickness 3.0mm