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Brand: Athletic
Weight: 285.00kg
Dimensions: 1,285.00mm x 1,055.00mm x 1,528.00mm
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The Back Extension Machine, often also referred to as the Roman Chair or Hyperextension Bench, is specifically designed to target and strengthen the lower back muscles, primarily the erector spinae. This equipment helps in improving posture, core strength, and reducing the risk of lower back injuries.

Users position themselves face down on the machine, with their hips on the pad and feet secured under the footrests. Keeping the upper body straight and aligned with the lower back, users then lower their upper bodies forward and then lift back up using the lower back muscles.

Adjustable settings are typically available to accommodate different user heights and comfort levels. During the exercise, it's essential to maintain a neutral spine and avoid overarching. Controlled, smooth motions are crucial to maximizing benefits and reducing the risk of strain or injury. This machine is especially beneficial for those looking to strengthen their lower back and core region.

N.W: 285kg
G.W: 304kg
For orders exceeding 20kg Transport Costs are excluded.
Once your order has been placed we will contact you with shipping options and costs.

Tube Thickness 3.0mm
Weight Stack 135kg