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Brand: Athletic
Weight: 305.00kg
Dimensions: 2,145.00mm x 1,030.00mm x 1,528.00mm
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The Glute Isolator machine is specifically engineered to target and tone the gluteal muscles (buttocks). Users typically position themselves face down or leaning forward on the machine, placing one foot on a padded lever. By extending the hip and pushing the lever backward, they primarily engage the glutes, though some designs also engage the hamstrings. The adjustable resistance settings on the machine allow users to set an appropriate weight for their fitness level. This equipment ensures a concentrated contraction in the gluteal region, making it excellent for individuals aiming to strengthen or tone their buttocks. Proper form is vital to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise and prevent potential strain.

N.W: 305kg
G.W: 335kg
For orders exceeding 20kg Transport Costs are excluded.
Once your order has been placed we will contact you with shipping options and costs.

Tube Thickness 3.0mm
Weight Stack 135kg